
Essentially, Chiropractic seeks whole-person care and relies on the body’s natural ability to heal itself by restoring function to the nervous system.

What is Chiropractic?

The World Health Organisation defines chiropractic as:

A health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health. There is an emphasis on manual techniques, including joint adjustment and/or manipulation with a particular focus on subluxations.”

Chiropractors have 5 years of university education, and are government registered and regulated health professionals committed to ensuring evidence-informed care is provided to patients.

Our Approach

Our chiropractors take a holistic approach when analysing and correcting structural problems of the spine, examining the pelvis through to the skull (cranial bones) inclusive of the jaw, the upper and lower limbs.

We also consider the potential effects of the organ systems on the spine and structural system via a thorough organ systems review.

Common Problems

The way your spine and body compensates tells the story of your life. Spinal health problems tend not to occur in isolation, and can manifest as one or more common problems. That’s why it’s important to look at the person as a whole, including lifestyle and work patterns.

-  Back Pain
-  Neck Pain
-  Jaw Pain
-  Headaches/Migraines
-  Shoulder Pain
-  Knee Pain
-  Pregnancy-related Symptoms

Chiropractic Techniques

Our chiropractors combine traditional chiropractic methods with the latest scientific research and technology to provide you with quality, well-informed chiropractic care.

With over 20 years of experience, our chiropractors have refined their skills and adapt adjustments to individual needs. For example, a front row rugby player with back pain would be adjusted differently to a child or elderly person. There are multiple ways to adjust a person’s spine, so we work with you to see what suits you best.

Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)

SOT is a chiropractic technique that works with the relationship between the sacrum (base of the spine) and the occiput (base of the skull). By balancing the pelvis and increasing the flow of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) from the base of the spine back up the spinal canal to the brain and throughout the nervous system, SOT aims to stabilise the pelvis and restore function to the rest of the spine.

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Impulse Adjusting Technique

The Impulse Adjusting Instrument used in our office is one of the most advanced technologies to become available to chiropractors to assist in the delivery of chiropractic adjustments.

Just as lasers have replaced scalpels in some surgeries, the adjusting instrument can replace some of the traditional manual methods of chiropractic.

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Cold Laser Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy is a non-invasive pain relief technology that delivers low-level light energy units, in the form of photons, to damaged tissue cells.

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Trigenics is an advanced neurological muscle assessment, treatment, and training system which aims to reset the brain to relieve pain, increase strength and mobility.

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Diversified technique is probably the most common chiropractic technique taught at universities and colleges around the world.

It is a manual hands-on adjusting technique, and typically produces a ‘popping’ sound with movement - the noise made when the fluid in the joints rapidly releases the gases oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.

Webster Technique

The Webster Technique is a chiropractic technique which aims to relieve the musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint that can restrict the movement of the baby in the uterus.

Chiropractic & Pregnancy

Whether you are planning a natural birth or require medical intervention, our holistic approach aims to relieve pregnancy discomfort where possible, with a strong focus on balancing and strengthening the function of the pelvis and spine.

The techniques used in pregnancy chiropractic care prioritise pelvic alignment and are combined with the use of pregnancy pillows so that mums can lie comfortably on our treatment tables.

We stock a range of pelvic belts which may assist in helping stabilise the Sacroiliac joints during everyday activities, and our practitioners are able to provide lifestyle advice for optimal sitting and standing to ensure you get the best possible support during pregnancy.

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